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据奥地利维也纳医科大学(Medical University of Vienna简称MedUni Vienna, Vienna, Austria)2024年11月21日提供的消息,类风湿关节炎个体化治疗的新方法(New approach to personalized treatment of rheumatoid arthritis)。
目前有大量有效的药物可用于治疗类风湿性关节炎(rheumatoid arthritis),但到目前为止,还缺乏合适的策略来为个体患者选择最佳的治疗方法。
在维也纳医科大学医学第三医学系(Department of Medicine III at MedUni Vienna)主任、风湿病学家丹尼尔·阿莱塔哈(Daniel Aletaha)领导的一项全面科学审查中,现已开发出一个模型,重点关注患者的个人需求及其健康状况。这项研究于2024年10月24日已经《自然评论-风湿病》(Nature Reviews Rheumatology)杂志网站发表——Victoria Konzett,Daniel Aletaha. Management strategies in rheumatoid arthritis. Nature Reviews Rheumatology, 2024, 20: 760–769. DOI: 10.1038/s41584-024-01169-7. Published: 24 October 2024. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41584-024-01169-7
丹尼尔·阿莱塔哈(Daniel Aletaha)解释说:“当然,在临床实践中已经尽可能多地考虑到个体类风湿性关节炎患者的情况和偏好。”然而,到目前为止,类风湿关节炎(rheumatoid arthritis简称RA)的治疗缺乏必要的科学“形式化”来系统地追求这种综合和全面的精准医学方法。丹尼尔·阿莱塔哈和合著者维多利亚·康泽特(Victoria Konzett)共同开发的概念系统可以弥补这一差距。它包括对参数的考虑,这些参数可以在简单的医疗咨询中获得,然后可以进行评估并用于更准确地做出治疗决定。
“治疗匹配”( “Therapeutic matchmaking”)
丹尼尔·阿莱塔哈说:“今天,我们有多种治疗类风湿性关节炎的药物,所有这些药物都很有效。然而,药物的关键区别不在于它们的疗效,而在于它们对个体患者的安全性。”例如,对类风湿关节炎并伴有心力衰竭的患者的最佳治疗可能与对复发性带状疱疹的类风湿性关节炎患者的最佳治疗不同。单独优化处理的这些和其他组件在模型中以结构化的方式呈现。它在临床实践中的应用可能会导致一个作者称之为“治疗匹配”( “therapeutic matchmaking”)的过程。在这个过程中,医生和患者就一种既有效又安全的治疗方法达成一致。
Management of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has evolved from simply the direct translation of drug efficacy results from clinical trials to patient care, to a more complex longitudinal process that considers not only drug efficacy but also the safety gestalt of a treatment and patient profiles and preferences, as well as health-economic factors. With numerous DMARDs available to treat RA, knowledge about trial efficacy becomes less important than data that inform an appropriate clinical strategy for their optimal selection and use. Overly ambitious approaches targeting the ‘maximum’ level of success could, for example, be prone to failure and create frustration, and lead to a large number of patients then being considered as ‘difficult to treat’. Safety profiles might be more informative than efficacy profiles for precision medicine approaches. Contemporary RA management strategies might therefore take a more holistic approach, beyond merely efficacy, to the setting of targets that lead to improved compliance rather than aspirational successes, with consideration of each patient’s multimorbidity profile and preferences, as well as the safety profile of each treatment. Ultimately, the goal remains unchanged: maximizing health-related quality of life; however, with a focus on optimal balance rather than superlatives.